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Search results for: "mother and daughter"

Mother and Daughter at Diner

Mother and Daughter at Diner

As in previous occasion, the most creative caption entered in the comment area for this post on will win a Postagram …

Happy Guatemalan Mother’s Day

Here’s your illustrated Spanish words of the day: Madre for Mother and mamá for mom. We are old-fashioned in Antigua Guatemala and …

Arch-framed Women in Jocotenango

This is very simple image will allow us to play a creative game. Taking the two women as our characters we will write up one of many conceivable dialogues as the interaction between them. This would be similar to what we did in Opposite Ends of Life #2, which you should look at and read to get an idea. The apparent age difference could be used to set the pair as mother and daughter or sisters or simply co-workers of the newly opened Subway; it is up to you. I will submit the first plausible dialogue.

Father’s Day in Guatemala

Today, for instance, in Guatemala we celebrate Día del padre, Father’s Day. So I decided to share with you three photos of a series of a father and her daughter having a tender lunch. The little girl refused to take the byte unless her dad gave it to her on the mouth. These three photos are in reverse order, so the first frame is the thumbnail on the right, next the thumbnail of the left and finally the photograph above as they break into smiles and happy moments. There other photos with both of them smiling, but I love the mirada juguetona, playful look of the lit

Guatemalan Aprons for Sale

The world-famous Guatemalan apron is going places, you know. Just like you can find mothers and daughters selling gabachas, aprons, on any …

Mayan Women with Poise

I can’t count the number of times my mother chastised me for slouching throughout my childhood. A few times she even succeeded in convincing me to practice walking with a book on my head so that I might “improve my posture.”

An Old Guatemalan Cowboy

I captured this image on a show about horses in San Miguel Escobar, a little village just outside La Antigua Guatemala. In …