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Happy Holidays Wishes from Antigua Daily Photo

The color red is the official color of Nochebuena and Navidad in Guatemala and nothing exemplifies this better than the Pascua plants, poinsettia flowers… TAP to read the entire post and see the full size photo.

PHOTO STOCK: Garden Grown Red Poinsettias from Guatemala

Poinsettias Flowers: A Gift from Guatemala to the World

Poinsettias are autochthonous to Guatemala and Mesoamerica so they can be grown in gardens either by design or as wild intruders as well as in the fields as wild plants. In Guatemala poinsettias are known as Flor de Pascua,  or simply as…

Poinsettias Deliveries

For being such a tiny country Guatemala, it tops some lists, not all bad either. For instance, Guatemala is a top producer …

Poinsettias Everywhere

In Guatemala poinsettias are known as Flor de Pascua, Flor de Noche Buena or simply Pascuas. Poinsettias are native to Guatemala and …