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Chicken Bus Terminal in Antigua Guatemala BY RUDY GIRON

Chicken Bus Terminal in Antigua Guatemala

This photograph and many of the images I have shared during the last ten days were made while leading a very intense and comprehensive one-on-ne street photography workshop. We shot inside the market, the bus terminal, the municipal cemetery, on the streets of Antigua Guatemala and the Mayan village of Santa María de Jesús. We shot in the morning, afternoon and at night. As part of this comprehensive workshop we also covered Lightroom workflow and editing and camera settings for different photo styles and best lenses for street photography and street portraits. If you would like to bring up the level your photography book a comprehensive and intensive photography workshop with me. I will be glad to share everything I know.

Chicken Bus Acrobatics by Rudy Giron -

Chicken Bus Acrobatics

How many times is this image repeated every day in Guatemala? I’d say a few hundred times since the ayudantes, helpers, often …

Guatemalan Chicken Bus Kitsch by Rudy Girón

Guatemalan Chicken Bus Kitsch

I am truly convinced that Guatemalans can not do anything in a mild, neutral, gray manner. Guatemala is a country of extremes …

Guatemalan Chicken Bus Kitsch

Among my photographic resolutions for 2011, I have written down: Documenting all the chicken bus kitsch decorations. How about a teddy bear …

Colorful Chicken Bus Terminal

A quick trip to the handicrafts market provides a handful of colorful images like the one above. Stay tune for upcoming photos …

Marimba Orquesta Chicken Bus Ave Lira

Like Manolo said, with Marimba music as the background for many parties and celebrations around La Antigua Guatemala and the rest of the country, I can almost smell the pine needles under my feet and the tamales and ponche (fruit punch) in the air. Oh what memories… sometimes I even wish I could like this type of music. 🙁

Marimba Chicken Bus and Church of San Pedro

Well, well, what we have here… what’s up with that, why are Guatemalans so enchanted with the infamous chicken bus. I mean what makes Guatemalans take on the crappy junk and retired school buses from up north and give them a second life as public transit chicken bus, mobile libraries chicken bus and now as a marimba orquesta mobile unit chicken bus.