Banking on the Banks


There is a war going on between CitiBank and HSBC Bank over the control of the Central American money. Recently, these two humongous banking corporations pulled out their hefty wallets and bought out four of the largest Central American Banking chains: Banco Uno, Banco Cuscatlán, Banistmo, Banco de América Central (this one still in the works). I guess there is money [to be made] in the banks.

Trivia Side Note: It is interesting that these two colossal corporations have lost their humble city names. Click the following links to visit the Daily Photo Blogs corresponding to the cities that gave birth to these mammoth banks and come back here to tell me which city belong to which bank: Hong Kong Daily Photo, New York Daily Photo, Shanghai Daily Photo. Also, can you explain to me why the largest British corporation (As of Jun 30, $1.74 trillion) has Chinese names?

© 2006 – 2016, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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