Ice Cream Row

Ice Cream Row

The weather has been fantastic in the recent weeks. Even though, we are in the middle of winter, temperatures have been around 25°C/75°F during the day. When the weather is this nice, people go out to buy ice cream and eat it in the park, on the sidewalk, anywhere so long they sit down and enjoy of the company of other humans beings. No special occasion or celebration is needed.

If you happen to live up-north and you are longing for nicer weather, please, take a short trip to Guatemala, we have the sunshine and warm temperatures you need. Photos like this one really make Guatemala’s slogan sound true and honest: The Land of the Eternal Spring!

Countdown side note: Today’s entry is number 291 so far and we continue with a countdown to post 300th. Please, send the link of this site everyday to your friends and family for a few days and explain to them what we are trying to achieve. I will send the best ten photos (4″x6″) of this site to the person that makes the first comment after the 100,000 visit. See the entry on January 18th for further details.

© 2007 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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