Dog School in Antigua

Dog School in Antigua

It is amazing how an image can trigger memories. It is usual for a song to bring back memories and images to mind, but today it is a photograph that brought the melodic, nostalgic and angry voice of Alí­ Primera, lead singer of Los Guaraguao [ES] and their world famous song Las casas de cartón back to the present.

The reason the photo above brought memories back from an old forbidden song in Latin America was the lyrics of Las casas de cartón (the cardboard houses) which had something about dog schools where the canine were given education so they don’t bite the newspapers… but I rather leave you with part of the lyrics and the song below it.

Usted no lo va a creer, (You won’t believe this,)
pero hay escuelas de perros (but there are dog schools)
y les dan educación (and education is given to them)
pa’ que no muerdan los diarios (so they don’t bite the newspapers)
pero el patrón (but the boss)
hace años, muchos años (it’s been years, many years)
que está mordiendo al obrero. (that is biting the worker)
Source: Las casas de cartón where you can read all the lyrics.

If you know this song, what kind of memories does it bring to you? what can you share with us?

© 2007 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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