Those darn electrical wires…

Those darn electrical wires!

… are ugly for sure. I agree with everyone that commented that Guatemala would so much nicer and beautiful if all the wiring were kept underground. However, I am sure not to many alcaldes (town/city mayors) would want to go for it; to them the aesthetic is the least important item in their list of priorities. .-(

Here is the Spanish word of the day for you. Ornato is in Guatemalan Spanish the aesthetic or beauty of town or place. Boleto de ornato (decoration ticket) is a variable obligatory tax that Guatemalans must pay every year to their local municipality.

That’s right fellas, even though Guatemalans pay their yearly tax for decoration, beauty, and cleanliness to their local municipal government, their alcaldes would look the other way and think of their citizens as crazy if they actually went in their local municipalidad (town hall) to demand clean streets, beautiful parks and underground wiring.

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