Wireless Antigua Guatemala
Details, details, details. Oh boy, here are those ugly power lines again. But wait, what’s in the background? Sure enough, now everywhere …
Details, details, details. Oh boy, here are those ugly power lines again. But wait, what’s in the background? Sure enough, now everywhere …
Details, details, details. There are so many different street lamps or faroles, as they are known in Spanish, in La Antigua Guatemala …
Detalles, details, detalles. Take a corner window, add a forged iron crate and a few plants and you have transformed a boring …
pushwigh#@%&?¿… blip! Alert, alert, we break from our regular programing Details, details, details to bring you this important news update. From early …
Details, details, details. I also believe that, some times, details are like opportunities: you blink and they are gone. So you always …
Details, details, details. I believe beauty manifests itself in the details. Correct me if I am wrong!
Details, details, details. Gustave Flaubert believed that God was in the details. Other people believe the devil hides in the details. What …
Details, details, details. Often you find little windows on the doorways of the houses of La Antigua Guatemala and most often they …
Okay, here’s something sweet to end the work week. I came across this blackberry dessert at La Casa de las Mixtas; one …
Interesting enough, last year when I published the Guateflora series, I overlooked the jacaranda trees, which are omnipresent in and around Antigua …
The winter weather in Antigua Guatemala has been wonderful: a little chilly, a little windy and a little warm, all in the …
According to the statistics only 67% of the population has Internet access in Guatemala (source somewhere in elperiodico.com.gt or prensalibre.com.gt), but by …
This is crap! The four basic principles of graphic design are: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity. It was Robin Williams, the graphic …
Although I think green mangoes can be found in Guatemala all year round, I believe they are better when in the mangoes …
Every afternoon, the homeless man above walks slowly towards this corner house in Antigua Guatemala, one block away from the Parque Central, …