Volcan de Agua with a White Cap

Volcan de Agua with a White Cap

Without the least intention of bragging (sure, Rudy, whatever you say), I would like to share with you our window view from our home studio from where AntiguaDailyPhoto gets published! 😉

This photo first appeared in the Antigua News Tweets stream located on the sidebar, below the Support our efforts menu; yes right there to the right of what you’re reading right now. The Antigua News Tweets is the mechanism by which I post more frequent photos and news updates through the day. The Antigua News Tweets are essentially news updates pulled from AntiguaDP Twitter account often with images posted at the AntiguaDP Twitpic account. You don’t have to belong to Twitter or Twitpic to view them or to take advantaged of the Antigua News Tweets stream; you simply need to come the AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com site and look at the most recent news updates on the sidebar. However, if you have a Twitter account, you get to see the Antigua News Tweets updates as they’re published.

So, make sure you keep an eye for the most recent Antigua News Tweets on the sidebar.

Also, if you haven’t noticed yet, there are two new features present on the sidebar: AntiguaDailyPhoto Forums and Facebook Connect commenting.

First, the AntiguaDailyPhoto Forums is the place to post your questions and answers and interact with other AntiguaDailyPhoto readers. The latest discussions are posted on the sidebar below the most Recent Comments. You can enter the bulletin boards through the Antigua Forums option on the Main Menu. Right now we are asking everyone to share their Spanish Schools and Tutors experiences.

Second, the Facebook Connect commenting is a feature that allows people with Facebook accounts to comment without having to enter their name, email and web address. This feature is available right there in the comments form and on the sidebar under the Forum Last 10 Discussions. Hopefully, this new feature will make it easier for everyone with a Facebook account to leave their feedback and comments. Please, if you already have a Facebook account, give it a try and let us know what you think.

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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