iPhone Twitter Updates from Guatemala

iPhone Twitter Updates from Antigua Guatemala

Yes, believe it or not Guatemala is quite modern and Internet capable.

Yes, Guatemala has 3.5G wireless Internet Access network in mayor cities and Edge-capable networks in most of the country.

Yes, there are iPhone-capable networks from the three main carriers: Telefónica, Claro and Tigo. As a matter of fact, most of my web-savvy friends have iPhones and iPod Touches to access the web either via the 3.5G networks or the free WIFI access points available in restaurants, commercial centers and parks.

Bill recently asked, “Can I put a local sim card in my iphone from US?”

Here are the answers pulled from the Antigua FAQ:

First of all, if your telephone terminal, i.e. iPhone, has been flashed, jail-broken, zapped, cracked, or whatever word they use in your neighborhood, you can bring your telephone and just purchase a chip, sim card, from either Claro, Telefónica (least expensive to call back home), and/or Tigo (best reception all around).

You can only put a local sim card, “chip” as they call it here, if your phone is flashed, jail-broken, cracked, et-cetera. If your phone is jail-broken, then bring it and I recommend you buy a Tigo chip which has the best reception anywhere.

Also, you may purchase a 3.5G Internet-ready chip and be able to have internet access everywhere there’s Tigo signal. The 3.5G Internet-ready pre-paid packages rates are: Q5 for Hora, Q25 for Día, Q100 for Semana and Q325 for Mes. Make sure you get clear instructions on how to buy the pre-paid packages for your terminal. The best of all, you can do this without contracts!

So, yes, you can update your Facebook account and send Twitter updates as you make your way around Guatemala just like the Guatemalans do 😉

If you are in Guatemala, please share with us how you get on the Internet!

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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