Recycling Sewing Machines

Recycling Sewing Machines

I have talked about the recycling done in La Antigua Guatemala before with Haves and Have-Nots, Public Enemy Number 1, Guatemalan-style Salt and Pepper Shakers, Chicken Buses are The Second Life of School Buses, and Antigua’s Biodiesel Project (just to name a few).

It never ceases to amaze me the creativity and ingenuity of Guatemalans when it comes to extending the life or recycling what elsewhere is considered junk. Today’s entry is such an example of how to turn around a pile of old and broken sewing machines and finding new uses for them.

What do you think about these tables made from recycled sewing machines?

Recycling Sewing Machines

Ephemerides Aside: The official date for the commencement of the Christmas season in Guatemala is December 8, although many malls and commercial centers, imitating the businesses from up north, begin decorating for Christmas right after Independence Day, celebrated in Guatemala on September 15th.

With the Feast for the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, people begin putting up their Nacimientos (Nativity Scenes); a tradition that was brought to Guatemala by Santo Hermano Pedro de Betancourt and then spread to the rest of America (the continent).

One important aspect of nacimientos is that baby Jesus is missing from the scene since his actual birthday is on December 25th. In the mean time, the quest of shelter by Marí a and José begins; these celebrations are known in Guatemala as Posadas.

The Christmas season is officially over on Día de Reyes, Epiphany. Unlike other Spanish-speaking countries, Guatemala does not make a big deal of the arrival of the Tres Reyes Magos (Three Wise Kings) known as Epiphany in English; a Christian holiday celebrated on January 6. Except, of course, for burning firecrackers and ringing bells of the churches right at noon, which seems to be Guatemalans’ favorite way of announcing or marking a holiday or event.

Also, for many people, Día de los Reyes marks the end of the Christmas season, although around Antigua Guatemala, many people keep their Nacimientos and Christmas decorations until February 2nd, Día de la Candelaria (Candlemas), which incidentally is Groundhog Day in the United States. The day after February 2nd the Christmas lights around Antigua’s Main Plaza will be pick up and put away.

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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