Colorful Guatemalan Vegetables

Colorful Guatemalan Vegetables by Rudy Girón

We are so lucky in Guatemala to have an abundant supply of fresh and colorful vegetables all year long. This colorful side dish, for instance, can be had any time of the year for a few quetzales.

New 200 Quetzales Bill Aside: Beginning on Monday 23, 2010 the National Bank of Guatemala (Banguat) will introduce a new Q200 bill into circulation. As far as I know, this is the first time that 200 quetzales bill will circulate in Guatemala. Below you click on the thumbnails to see the front and back of the new bill. Further down is a short video clip in Spanish which summarizes the features and details of the new Q200 bank note. There’s also a PDF file with an extensive review of the billete de Q200 [4.9MB PDF download].

Front view Q200 bill Back view Q200 bill

© 2010 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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