Bingo Afternoon in San Miguel Escobar, Ciudad Vieja

Rudy Giron: Instagrams &emdash; Bingo Night in San Miguel Escobar, Ciudad Vieja,

You know Latin America is a Lotería territory, so I was surprise to walk into a huge crowd outside the Iglesia de San Miguel Escobar playing bingo. And I mean a huge crowd, let’s just say the people shown in the picture is about 2% of the people playing. There were entire families and blocks all over the place, all around the atrium and the plaza, boy, they were people spilling almost a block away from the church.

I wish I had my super wide angle lens with me to capture as many of the people playing bingo in one shot. Since that was not option, I did the next best thing, I captured a fraction against the most interesting background I can find.

I hope you get the feel of daily life in one of the villages near Antigua Guatemala.

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