Capturing daily life photographs in Antigua Guatemala

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Capturing daily life images in Antigua Guatemala during a photo walk.

The Antigua Photo Walks is the best vehicle I have found to teach and shared my approach to street photography and capturing natural images of daily life in Antigua Guatemala. Of course, the principles and approaches I share work everywhere, but we get the chance to put them in practice right away on the streets. So far the reviews have been all positive, 5-star reviews. What a satisfaction to be able to influence and improve the photographic skills of so many people from all over the world.

Holy Week Elements Antigua Photo Walks: During Lent and the Holy Week I will be hosting special photo walks themed around the elements of the Holy Week. I still have some dates available, so hurry and book your private photo walk now before it is too late. I promise you a very special and information-packed photo walk with hundreds of photo opportunities. To get a sense of the things we will photograph, take a photo tour through the Holy Week Elements.

Antigua Photo Walks: Holy Week Elements  with Rudy Giron

© 2015 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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