About Us

Self-portrait of photographer Rudy Giron

The Antigua Daily Photo (ADP) is the work of Rudy Girón; Creative Director, Graphic Designer and Photographer who lives near La Antigua Guatemala. Rudy has been privileged enough to have lived in Mexico, the U.S. and Guatemala long enough to appreciate the good and the bad of each place. Rudy tries to speak, read and write to the best of his abilities in Spanish and English as much as possible.

Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo is conceived as a blogumentary (blog documentary) through daily photographs and descriptive narratives of a Spanish Colonial Town embedded between coffee plantations, flower farms and volcanoes. LAGDP is not a tourist site, or an adoption site, or nostalgia site, or whatever-label-you-can-think-of site; rather is all of them and none of them at the same time. The main idea really is to observe and show ordinary common day life in a Guatemalan town through the use of photography and captions most of the time, and slide presentations, video and audio sometimes.

Some of the images of La Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo have found life beyond the scope of this web site. You can see and read about the renegade images on Apuntes efí­meros (Asides); my Spanish notebook.

Rudy Girón appreciates very much your commentary, feedback and support. If you neet to get in touch or if you would like to send feedback, please do so through the contact form.

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