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Laura McNamara

The Modern Maya

The Maya represent a culture that demonstrates how tradition and technology can thrive together. This Maya woman, dressed in the traditional Mayan …

Gran Courtyards of Espacioce!

The entire property of Espacioce! or the Centro de Cooperación de la Formación Española is impressive. Yet, many never venture beyond the …

Craving Corn: Elote

One of the things I look forward to most when venturing out on a little jaunt outside of La Antigua is elote. …

No Photos of the Art Please

The warning came from behind: “Please, we’re really not supposed to be taking photos of the art here.” I had just snapped …

Luck with the Lizard

This is just one of those rare shots you get when the opportunity strikes. I was scrolling through my email when my …

Licuado Culture

Sweet. Refreshing. Natural. Licuados are one of those treats that truly define a Guatemalan experience. The blended fruit drinks can be found …

Fun for All Ages

So who’s fit to go on such a daredevil adventure of soaring like a bird? Antigua Canopy Tours assures that anyone from …

Birds-Eye View of Nature

Antigua Canopy Tours isn’t just about the unique experience of gliding… it’s about gliding through a tropical rainforest or cloud forest canopy. …

Have a Safe Flight

“The three most important factors for the canopy tour are security, a family-oriented experience and promoting nature,” Antigua Canopy Tours Manager Pascu …

Constructing a Canopy Course

“We could see the topography was just perfect,” Victor Gallo confidently asserted. Victor Gallo is the expert Antigua Canopy Tours hired to …