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Holy Week, Page 8

Holy Week Economics by Rudy Girón

The Economics of the Holy Week

As Semana Santa, the Holy Week before Easter, approaches, the historic colonial town of Antigua sees almost daily processions. These processions include …

Holy Week Percussionist

The unmistakable thumping that accompanies the processions comes from percussionists beating huge drums with this hummer-like sticks. Do you know the name …

The Aromas of the Holy Week

I can bring to you the colors, the imagery, the sounds and even video clips, but I can’t transmit or transfer you …

Girls Procession

Transference: the action of transferring something or the process of being transferred. With these processions not only the heavy floats are being …

My Turn is No. 11

The Cuaresma and Semana Santa season comes with its own set of garments; from the Romans to the Cucuruchos to the Dolorosas …

The Broom-head Romans Are Back

I have honestly tried not put as many Cuaresma/Lent and Semana Santa/Holy Week photos here. I could, in theory, have a Lent/Holy …

Holy Week: The Crowds

Oh yes, I had also forgotten to mention the superabundant crowds that you will find in La Antigua Guatemala during the Holy …

Holy Week: Processions

It doesn’t matter if the processions in the villages and communities around La Antigua Guatemala are more authentic, more kitsch and with …

Holy Week: The Photographers

click, click, click, click click click, clicks, click. See, if it does NOT matter how much effort I put into documenting the …

Holy Week: The Float’s Pilot

Interestingly enough, Erick was commenting yesterday how impressive was to see the massive float make a U-turn as he was watching the …

Holy Week Precessional Music

The Holy Week in Guatemala is a full five senses overwhelming experience. As you follow the processions all five senses are bombarded …

Holy Week: Women’s Float

You normally see men carrying the big heavy processional floats or andas as they are known in Guatemalan Spanish. You can browse …

Holy Week Processional Carpets

Some people have traveled the world over just to be present for the world-famous Holy Week in La Antigua Guatemala. Some people …

The Old Man and the Band

This old man and the band are the tail of the procession. There goes Semana Santa 2008… we are at end of the Holy Week in La Antigua Guatemala. Just one more day!

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