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Videos, Page 9

Fuego showing off…

While some people prefer to make an extra buck, or a lot more extra bucks, here in La Antigua Guatemala some of …

Half Marathon Las Rosas 2010 Part 2

The Antigua Guatemala’s Half Marathon Las Rosas consists of a route of 21 kilometers through La Antigua Guatemala, Jocotenango, Ciudad Vieja and …

Maximón Lives!

A few months ago, I posted as part of the Theme Day some Maximón effigies made from wood, now holly wood really …

Father’s Day in Guatemala

Today, for instance, in Guatemala we celebrate Día del padre, Father’s Day. So I decided to share with you three photos of a series of a father and her daughter having a tender lunch. The little girl refused to take the byte unless her dad gave it to her on the mouth. These three photos are in reverse order, so the first frame is the thumbnail on the right, next the thumbnail of the left and finally the photograph above as they break into smiles and happy moments. There other photos with both of them smiling, but I love the mirada juguetona, playful look of the lit

Chepito, Let Me Show You…

I like to photograph old people. I like to photograph young people. I like to photograph people, regardless of their age, really. …

Luna de Antigua

Anyway, in my never ending quest of bringing you the contrast of the ‘Old’ Guatemala versus the ‘New’ Guatemala, I share with you two new versions of Luna de Xelajú. The first rendition of Luna de Xelajú is by Malacates Trebol Shop. The second version of Luna de Xelajú is performed by the group Abracadabra. Next, you will find the lyrics for Luna de Xelajú in Spanish and English right below. Last but not least, you can watch and hear the Marimba of Bellas Artes performed Luna de Xelajú. Enjoy!

Theme Day: Wood or Holly Wood

As almost every first of the month, AntiguaDailyPhoto is joining the City Daily Photo community in the orchestrated global effort to show …

It’s Refa Time!

There are two ‘official’ snack times in Guatemala known as refacción; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I have …

Sign Crazy

Last month I shared with you La Antigua Guatemala Sign Ordinances. I will again post the information below to keep fresh. One …

Buy Me A Coffee
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