Perpetuating The Holy Week Traditions in Antigua Guatemala No. 3
As I have mentioned before, Lent and Semana Santa is an equal-opportunity tradition. As you can see here, even little girls get …
As I have mentioned before, Lent and Semana Santa is an equal-opportunity tradition. As you can see here, even little girls get …
As I mentioned yesterday, there will be Lent and Holy Week celebrations in Antigua Guatemala for a long while. These religious traditions …
Interestingly enough, Erick was commenting yesterday how impressive was to see the massive float make a U-turn as he was watching the …
You normally see men carrying the big heavy processional floats or andas as they are known in Guatemalan Spanish. You can browse …
This old man and the band are the tail of the procession. There goes Semana Santa 2008… we are at end of the Holy Week in La Antigua Guatemala. Just one more day!
That is right, Semana Santa in Guatemala is an equal opportunity celebration. Sure, cucuruchos take the majority of the clicks of cameras and most of the video recorded, but children, women and dogs have a place in the Holy Week celebrations. Women’s float or andas are a bit smaller and carry virgins or angels most of the time.
So much mumble jumble to present the underneath view of a Holy Week float in one of the villages of La Antigua Guatemala. Andas (floats) are not only the affair of cucuruchos, women also participate; and sometimes even chuchos (street dogs) get involved in the penitent act of carrying the heavy float! 😉
One characteristic which I enjoy about processions is the sorrowful tunes that are played by the mournful marching bands that follow the …