Dining at Doña Luisa Xicotencatl
Here’s another vista which conveys the mellow and relaxing atmosphere of La Antigua Guatemala. This image was taken at Doña Luisa Xicotencatl …
Here’s another vista which conveys the mellow and relaxing atmosphere of La Antigua Guatemala. This image was taken at Doña Luisa Xicotencatl …
As the Guatemalan Independence Day approaches, one begins to see all the bunting in windows and doorways around Antigua Guatemala. Since Jeff …
Dot 2: The very same day, after reading the article above in my lunch hour, I walked back to the office and sure enough a plastic bag came dancing towards me, just like in the American Beauty film. So what was I to do, but to pull my camera and to start shooting this new enemy. This incident happened right in front of Doña Luisa Xicotencatl restaurant; one of LAG’s landmarks.
Poinsettias or Flor de Pascua are in full bloom in The Land of the Eternal Spring for the Christmas season. Commercial decorations are beginning to show up in shops and restaurants. Soon enough we will have the Burning of the Devil celebrations, Nacimientos, Posadas and everything else that comes with the Christmas season. Soon, even the trees will dress for the holidays.