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palacio de los capitanes


Now this is what the dry season looks like in Antigua Guatemala; sunshine, deep blue skies, beautiful light, cold winds and almost …

Occupy Antigua Plantón

There was a plantón, sort of an occupy protest, called for many civil organizations to disrupt and put an end to the …

Longing for the Dry Season

This is the second option I had for the theme day: perspective. Although I like the vanishing point of Palacio de los …

Rainy Season Vista: Bandera

The commonly used expression, “Those who ignore history are bound (or doomed) to repeat it” is actually a mis-quotation of the original …

Post Card From The Past

A creative framing on a quiet afternoon with just the right amount and kind of people and we get a post card …

Arches Are Us

El Palacio de los Capitanes building has to be one of my favorites edifices with lots of arches; and you know I …

Architectonic Details: Arches

Same as yesterday’s photo, we repeat the repetition theme, but even more so today. Can you tell me what elements repeat in …

Visit The Time Tunnel

In my quest to bring to you ‘new’ vistas of the same ‘old’ places around La Antigua Guatemala, I present to you …