Spanish Classes at Antigua’s Parque Central
A decade ago there were over 65 Spanish Schools in Antigua Guatemala. I am sure there are many more now. Máximo Nivel …
A decade ago there were over 65 Spanish Schools in Antigua Guatemala. I am sure there are many more now. Máximo Nivel …
Yo creo que es hora de regresar a nuestras clases de español (I think it’s time to come back to our Spanish …
Spanish classes can be exhausting, especially full immersion classes, so make sure you take breaks often… your dog will be glad too. …
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the private Spanish teachers yesterday in the cornucopia of options available for taking Spanish classes in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Spanish Schools entry. Once again, take all these options with a grain of salt since many of the flyers put more emphasis in the private part of the sale of the service.
In the picture above you see two foreigners taking Spanish classes in a Restaurant/School named Korea with omnipresent beer posters. Here’s the Spanish word/phrase of the day: Quiero más cerveza por favor (please, I’d like to have more beer). Life is though for the Spanish students in the Spanish school capital of Latin America.
Yes, Spanish Classes in La Antigua Guatemala is a very touchy subject, you know. The next post will definitely raise a few voices and hurt some feelings. I just hope to come out slightly bruised from this affair. But before we open the book on this unpredictable topic, we should take a coffee break.