Panaderas’ arch in Antigua

Panadera’s arch, originally uploaded by rudygiron.

On the west side of the Central Park in Antigua you can find the Portal de las Panaderas (bakeries), which represented the business side at the main square. Nowadays, you can find two good coffee shops, two banks, two restaurants, two bookstores, an electro-domestic store and a few other stores. It is the less flashy side of Parque Central, yet you can have good coffee at Café Condeza and have the fabulous Flan Antigüeño at the restaurant by the same name, buy the newspaper, withdraw some money, but a Guatemalan Literature book, make a phone call, have your shoes shine; all within one block and in less than 30 minutes.

Antigua is such a human-friendly city; you can walk and do most ordinary life chores and pleasures within four short blocks. Match that L.A.!

Technorati tags: Antigua Daily Photo / Antigua / Guatemala / Portal de las panaderas

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