Antigua’s backstreets

Antigua’s backstreets
, originally uploaded by rudygiron.

If you find yourself on the outskirts of Antigua, for sure you will be next to a coffee plantation. Here I am at only two blocks behind the market and you can already see a coffee parcel (on the right). Volcán de Agua, Water Volcano towers at 3,760 meters on the background and it is the only compass that you need as you walk around the city; it is to the south of the Antigua.

A visitor asked me to post a picture of Water Volcano and why is called that. Well, I promise I am going to post this week some photos about the volcanoes around Antigua and their different names and history. I have not done it yet because I need all the supporting documentation, but let me give you a teaser. Two of the three volcanoes have to do with the genesis of the universe.

Technorati tags: Antigua Daily Photo / Antigua / Volcán de Agua / Water volcano / backstreets

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