Illegal billboard

Illegal billboard

One of the benefits of living in or around La Antigua Guatemala is the lack of billboards. Isn’t weird that I start the paragraph describing the absence of billboards around Antigua (really, it is more like bragging), then I show you the very one thing I just said we didn’t have. Well, let me brag one more time my dear visitors and friends: No large outdoor signboard are allowed within 4 kilometers of the entrances to La Antigua. By the way, in Guatemala the word for billboard advertising is valla publicitaria.

This valla is within 1.5 km from Antigua’s entrance, on the road to the Ciudad Vieja. Just day before yesterday, I saw some workers come and put up the advertising board, and I knew instantly that this billboard would not last. They put another billboard at this very same location before, just on the other side of the road and that was taken down pretty fast.

So, yesterday, on my way to work, I stopped next to it to take a photo of the billboard before it is taken off. I really enjoy the roads without billboards, but this is reality that I can only experience around Antigua. The rest of the country is plastered, up and down every road with huge billboards.

What is the situation about large boards with outdoor advertising in your little corner of the world?

Update about the illegal billboard:
Well, I am happy to report the billboard is gone now. The billboard lasted less than two weeks since today is October 31st.

© 2006 – 2013, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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