Theme Day: Men at Work

Construction Workers in Antigua Guatemala

I am sure that construction workers and road workers will be among the most popular photographs for the 65 Daily Photo sites around the world for the March 1st theme day of “Men at work.” I had planned to use a snapshot of the cobblestone street repair crew ever since I learned about the subject for the theme day. But, I then read my friend’s, JM Magaña —an architect and first conservator of La Antigua Guatemala—, excellent article on construction workers for the upcoming March issue of Recrearte Magazine (Available in Spanish on the March 1st). Here’s the introductory paragraph:

Architecture arose from man’s necessity to shelter from the environment. First, he used the caves where he left registered scenes from his daily life, to then build, with the materials found in nature, his home. As humankind organized socially and the jobs became specialties, the first masons appeared and transformed the natural materials such stone and wood, and invented others like adobes and bricks from clay. (fragment from La mano de obra en la arquitectura from JM Magaña in Recrearte Magazine, page 8, available in Spanish as a PDF download)

Guatemalan houses are now mostly built from pumice stone blocks, pebbles stones, river sand, concrete and iron rods. Here is another shot of the same construction workers at the moment they are finishing the concrete roof (fundición del techo in Spanish), one of the most work-intensive stages in the house-building process.

PLEASE VISIT: 65 Daily Photo sites are participating in the March 1st theme, “Men at work”, please use the links below to visit them. Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day.

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