YO-YO: The yo-yos

YO-YO: The yo-yos

Under the name of YO-YO: retratos y autoretratos (portraits and self-portraits) the Carlos Woods Gallery is presenting its very successful photography exhibit in the Sala Marco Augusto Quiroa of Paseo de los Museos in the Hotel-Museo Casa Santo Domingo in La Antigua Guatemala.

The photo of the hanging yo-yos above is part of one of the teaser window displays to make you go visit the exhibit inside the Marco Augusto Quiroa gallery in Hotel-Museo Casa Santo Domingo. You can find this yo-yos window display in the hallway that connects the underground parking lot and the hotel.

With this simple image we will begin two mini series. The first one will be about the YO-YO: retratos y autoretratos photographic exhibit. The second will be about art galleries and museums in La Antigua Guatemala. I hope to have you along this cultural trip we are about to embark… please make sure you have your pasaje en mano (trip fare on hand). 😉

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