Repairing the Cobblestreets of La Antigua Guatemala

Repairing the Cobblestreets of La Antigua Guatemala

The very next day that the former mayor of La Antigua Guatemala found out he was not reelected for a second term, he decided he was not going to do any more work for the ungrateful antigüeños. So, within weeks the cobblestone streets began to deteriorate at such a fast rate that within a month or two, driving around town felt like driving in the lunar surface (not that I have had the pleasure to visit the moon lately). Gone was the regular vista of the Cobblestone street worker repairing the streets. Many weeks and months went by since September 9th, 2007 and the streets were more like rivers of craters that one had to drive around whenever possible.

As the new mayor took office on January 15th, he launched a new campaign to rescue the streets for the lent celebrations which begin in February. Right now there are crews of cobblestone street workers almost everywhere and many streets are closed for repairs. Let’s hope they can meet their goal since Lent or Cuaresma in Spanish is approaching soon.

© 2008 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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