Tortilla Making Lessons for Manolo

Making Guatemalan Tortillas

Since Manolo needs to improve his tortilla making skills, I am posting this image to help him in the process. Even Carmen may benefit from these lessons! 😉

Bohemian Literary Side Note:
Since I talking about Manolo, might as well invite him for a bohemian night with the writers that will appear in the 17:30 hrs activity by the name of Diálogo sobre Literatura Centroamericana Contemporánea as shown in the activity program below. For those who can read Spanish you can click the thumbnail below to see an enlarge version of the activity program for the Dí­a Internacional del Libro y los Derechos de Autor (International Book Day and Copyrights).

It looks like today will be a very busy day and night with a heavy workload, literature, writers, friends, bohemian talks, mixtas (both kinds!) and book buying. If Manolo and Carmen can make on time, it will be my pleasure to invite them both the first round of mixtas. Oh how I wish you were here! 😉

Celebrando el Dí­a Internacional del Libro y los Derechos de Autor

Like always click the thumbnail to see an enlarge version.

© 2008 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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