Volcán de Agua Wallpaper

Volcán de Agua Wallpaper

Here’s another wallpaper for your desktop as an appreciation for a donation someone made today towards the hosting bills. Thanks! I know who you are.

Anyway, if you would like to download this simple wallpaper of Volcán de Agua (Water Volcano) taken from one of the balconies of my house, please, just follow the white rabbit and click here.

Would you like to know more about this impressive volcano towering over the south flank of La Antigua Guatemala at 3,760 meters (12,336 feet)?

Then, you want to read the following a few of the entries covering Water Volcano:

  1. Little gray boxes on the hillside, Little gray boxes made of ticky-tacky
  2. Theme Day: The View from the Bedroom Window
  3. Antigua’s backstreets
  4. And… browse the Volcanoes category.

Now two questions for you, how many shots of Volcán de Agua did you find while browsing the Volcanoes category? There will be a prize for the correct answer. And, I would like to know if you have use at least one the photos from LAGDP as wallpaper? Please, come forward… I don’t want to make the images available if nobody is using them.

© 2008 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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