The Hauling Down of the Guatemalan Flag

Arriada de la Bandera de Guatemala

On September 15th, at 6 p.m. all over main squares and central parks of Guatemala there is a civic act known as La arriada de la bandera (Haul down of the flag). The ceremony include several solemn activities like Juramento a la bandera (pledge alliance to the flag); Canto del Himno Nacional de Guatemala (Singing of the National Anthem) and a few speeches remembering the signing of the Independence Act and how many years has been thus far (187) since 1821.

In the picture above, you can appreciate the final moment of the lowering of the Guatemalan flag (far left) while students and the spectators position their right hand to salute the flag. This scene was capture at the small village of San Pedro Las Huertas.

With this final image we wave goodbye to September, Guatemala’s Independence month, and to the third consecutive year of the coverage of the Independence Day activities. In 2006, I focused on the marathons and the torches. In 2007, I covered the school parades. And in 2008, I have use the Guatemalan flag as the common thread. You can watch slide shows for each year to get a feel for what to expect and to compare three different photographic approaches for the same theme.

It is my hope that you have enjoyed the photos and explanations behind the celebration of independence in Guatemala. Please, let me know your opinions and thoughts; your feedback is greatly appreciated and expected.

You can watch a slide show of all the photos below:

© 2008 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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