Don Chobe Acuario Sign

Don Chobe Acuario Sign

Acuario is the Spanish word for aquarium and Don Chobe is the only shop in La Antigua Guatemala that caters exclusively to those who love to have fish tanks in their homes or offices. In our home studio we have a wonderful blue betta fish that keeps us company; Bruno is his name.

I absolutely love Don Chobe’s sign. As graphic designer I am impressed at simplicity and effectiveness of this sign. A few pieces of metal sheet cut out into form and then nailed down to a piece of an old wood log and you get an distinctive and long-lasting sign. I have to admit, this sign is among my favorite thus far.

Don Chobe Acuario means Mister Chobe Aquarium. I know Chobe has to be a nickname or diminutive, but I wish I knew what’s the original name. Other such nicknames/diminutives are Chepe for José, Fofo or Chofo for Rodolfo, Güicho for Luis, Tito for César or Ernesto, Lolita for Dolores, Chuy for Jesús, and long et-cetera. Feel free to share with us what’s the original for Chobe and what other nicknames you have heard or come across.

© 2008 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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