Guatemalan Cuisine: Caldo de Res

Guatemalan Cuisine: Caldo de Res

Caldo de res (beef stock or stew) has to be among the most often eaten dishes in the Guatemalan cuisine. It is never absent from the Guatemalan daily menus of diners, fondas and restaurants. Like many Guatemalan caldos, it comes with carrots, corn on the cob, güisquil (chayote), ayote and chilacayote (squash), potatoes and beef. They usually serve caldo de res with rice, avocado and lemon slices. Caldo de res is often called “cocido” (cooked) in La Antigua Guatemala.

There have been 104 entries in the food and drink category thus far and I am sure I have not covered not even 30% of the meals in the Guatemalan kitchen. However, I do believe this Guatemalan food sampling is among the largest, if not the largest, available online. What do you think?

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