Antigua’s New Parking Fees Explained

New Parking Fees Explained with Images

As requested by many readers of La Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo, here are the new parking/entrance fee regulations of La Antigua Guatemala.

About a 1.5 kms (1 mile) before the entrance there is sign that Welcomes you to La Antigua Guatemala, declared an UNESCO World Heritage Site. See the first photo below and click it to see an enlarge image.

About 100 meters (yards) after the first sign, there is second sign that explains that Free Locomotion is a Right (Guatemalan Right, that is), parking, on the other hand, is a privilege. Please cooperate by paying the established fees that sign begs. See the second photo below and click it to see an enlarge image.

Finally, there is a third sign (large photo above) that displays the new parking fees for an entire day on the streets of La Antigua Guatemala:

  1. Carro (car): Q10 ($1.25)
  2. Microbus (van): Q20 ($2.50)
  3. Autobus 30 pasajeros (30-passenger bus): Q40 ($5)
  4. Autobus 30 o más pasajeros (30+ passenger bus): Q50 ($6.25)

People who live within the La Antigua Guatemala Municipal (county) borders are exempt from paying any fees and are given a “Orgullosamente Antigüeño” (Proud Antigüeño) sticker to up on the front windshield. People living within the municipality of La Antigua Guatemala are required to present at least one utility bill to verify their residence status and thus obtain the exemption sticker. See the third photo below and click it to see an enlarge image.

People who live outside the borders of the Municipio (County) de La Antigua Guatemala are required to pay the above fees. Unless, of course, they buy a frequent visitor sticker for Q200 ($25) per year.

Any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to ask and I will comply with a prompt answer or research it for you!

Welcome to La Antigua Guatemala Sign Parking is a Privilege

New Parking Fee Exception Sticker

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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