Café Barista Panino and Freedom of Speech

Café Barista Panino

For those who come to AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com for the photos, here’s today’s photo of paninos or paninis which I believe are Italian words for sandwiches. In the picture above you can appreciate the cheese and chicken panino from Café Barista which aims to have gourmet sandwiches to accompany their large selection of up-scale coffee selection. A panino like the above sells for about Q40/$5 in Café Barista of La Antigua Guatemala.

Violation of Freedom of Speech Rights Aside: Like Manolo mentioned the other day, there is huge tele-novela (soap opera) scandal going on in Guatemala which began on Monday over the releasing of an 18-minute video of Slain Lawyer. The indignation over the accusation in the video have made all the news the world over. Really, it is a shameful situation for a country and its government.

I have tried to keep all the stuff out of this web site, except for some hints and links I posted on Monday and Tuesday. However, I draw the line when a person, Jean Ramses Anleu Fernández, is arrested and fined Q50,000/$6250 over a single Tweet of indignation. That’s got be the most expensive twit ever. What country am I living in where a person can go to jail and be fined Q50,000/$6250 over a 140-character opinion. This has to be the most ludicrous violation of the Freedom of Speech as well as a violation of the Guatemalan Constitutional Rights. You have to read all the details of the imprisonment of Jean Ramses Anleu Fernández (@jeanfer). Also, please if you can spare 5 minutes of your time, please write to the Guatemalan Government and demand that Jean Ramses Anleu Fernández be freed without paying a single centavo.

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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