Men at Work

Men at Work

The vista cotidiana (quotidian vista) of men working throughout La Antigua Guatemala is more and more refreshing and assuring each day. We can see that the funds collected by the Municipalidad de La Antigua Guatemala (Antigua’s City Hall) through taxes and new parking fees are being used to repair the streets, embellish parks and traffic islands, et cetera. For instance, in San Pedro Las Huertas, all the chorros, or public faucets, received a face lift: new colonial-style colors and architectonic elements (correction: according the Armando García, loyal reader of AntiguaDailyPhoto and neighbor of San Pedro Las Huertas, the public faucets are being embellished by “El Comité del Agua Potable,” the potable water committee). It feels good to know that your local government is actually doing the work it was elected for. 😉

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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