Guatemala’s Real Wealth is its Biodiversity

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Guatemala's Wealth: Biodiversity

Men of Maize Revisited!

“There was consensus and it was decided to bring the purple maize, the yellow maize, the red maize and the white maize and from these our bones were made, our blood, our meat.” —Popol Vuh

«Hubo consenso y se decidió que viniera el maíz morado, el maíz amarillo, el maíz rojo y el maíz blanco y de esto se hicieron nuestros huesos, nuestra sangre, nuestra carne.» —Popol Vuh

It seems to me that Guatemala’s real wealth and gift for the world is its biodiversity. Guatemala is the home and cradle of some of the most important crops in the world. Maize or corn is, of course, one of the most important foods in existence the world over; thus any attacks to maize and the people who cultivate it are against the strategies for the future of humanity as a whole. Therefore, me thinks, the world should be protecting the biodiversity of Guatemala and Central America instead of attacking it to benefit a few transnational only interested in profit through the distribution transgenic and genetically modified foods.

© 2014 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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