Selfies and the Maya

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Selfies and the Maya

Often during the photo walks I lead around town, people ask me if the Maya don’t like to be photographed. I say the Maya are just like any other people, there are shy, introverted Mayas as there are extraverted, exhibitionist. The difference lies that because they are so attractive to the cameras and exotic-looking to the eyes of North Americans and Europeans, they tend to be photographed much more and after a little while the Maya get tired of so many clics and the undue attention. I can imagine it might feel like being monkeys in the zoo. I wouldn’t like it one bit neither.

As you can see here, the Maya like to photographed themselves as much as anyone else. Take a photographic tour through the “Take my picture” archives of AntiguaDailyPhoto.

© 2016 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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