Why is Saint James the Patron Saint of La Antigua Guatemala?
La Antigua Guatemala used to be the capital city of Guatemala (which meant the Central American territories at the time) and at …
La Antigua Guatemala used to be the capital city of Guatemala (which meant the Central American territories at the time) and at …
One aspect that I enjoy very much of the catholic rituals and celebrations is that there’s always food; food for every celebration. …
First of all, I want to wish a Happy Guatemalan Mother’s Day to all the moms in my family and the world, …
All Together Now by The Beatles – www.studiohits.us on Grooveshark One, two, three, four Can I have a little more? five, six, …
With this gallery of Semana Santa photos from Antigua Guatemala, Nelo Mijangos shares with us an overview of the many vistas one …
This is the first vigil of the Lent season with its traditional stalls of chicken sandwiches, the batido drink and other meals …
With the Ash Wednesday religious ceremony begins the 40-day period known in Spanish as Cuaresma, Lent, which ends with Semana Santa, Holy …
Ordinarily, I begin by asking readers to recall their earliest memories to provide a context for corpocratic historians of the future… Could …
As I have mentioned before, every year, on 15th of January, thousands of pilgrims from Guatemala, the United States, Europe, Mexico and …
Antigua Guatemala is the preferred destination for Christmas Even and New Year’s Eve celebrations because Antigüeños know how put on a good …
Here’s a typical Guatemalan breakfast for Christmas, which is normally a quite day except for the fireworks and firecrackers which begin at …
Guatemalans begin putting up their Nacimientos (Nativity Scenes) around December 15; a tradition that was brought to Guatemala by Santo Hermano Pedro …
For the second time this year, hot air paper balloons where released on the star-lit night right in front of Antigua Guatemala …
Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe in Antigua Guatemala As I have shared with you in previous years, in La Antigua Guatemala, …
La Antigua Guatemala is a very small town, heck Guatemala, the country, is just slightly bigger than Antigua Guatemala when it comes …