XXXV Feria del Libro de Antigua Guatemala
Once again, as every July, the annual book fair has set up at Parque Central as part of the patron saint festivities …
Once again, as every July, the annual book fair has set up at Parque Central as part of the patron saint festivities …
Well, in Guatemala the law of the land since the pandemic began is that one must wear a «mascarilla», face mask in …
Last month, TripAdvisor & Viator notified me that my photographic experiences were a Travelers’ Choice Award winner! Best of the Best 2021 Top 1% of the Things to Do in the World for the Antigua Photo Walks I lead around town and in the rest of the Guatemala. I have also received the Certificate of Excellence for 2016, 2017, 2018, & 2019… TAP to see the full size photo and award.
Today Guatemala and the other Central American countries commemorate the bicentennial of the independence. As part of the no-crowds celebrations, the Banco de Guatemala put in circulation a Commemorative Bicentennial Twenty Quetzals bill… TAP to see the full size photos of the new Q20 bill and to read the complete post.
Antigua Guatemala’s Covid-testing clinic is located inside the installation of the health center at Parque Isabel La Católica. Even though the clinic …
Over the weekend these newly installed speed bumps were painted with bright yellow and black paint; as it is the usual the …
Antigüeños held a smaller symbolic manifestation in front of the Palacio del Ayuntamiento, better known as La Municipalidad, City Hall, to coincide …
Today I share with you a portrait I made of world-famous Vanessa Pilon from Montreal, a Canadian television presenter and fashion icon, …
Poco a poco, slowly, some of the activities from the old normality are coming back in with modified and healthy protocols into …
Here’s your illustrated Spanish word of the day: Mascarilla for face mask. Well, mascarilla is the most often used word in Guatemala, …
The Antigua SkyCam Weather Station was launched in January 2017 through the collaboration of ClimaYa.com and AntiguaDailyPhoto.com. The Antigua SkyCam Weather Station …
It’s been a while since I have visited La Fuente building, which has become into a Foodie Court of sorts. The Centro …
For better or worse the modern world services have arrived to Antigua Guatemala. First, it was the arrival of almost all the …
Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. As a result, …