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PHOTO STOCK: Guatemalan Flags Ambulant Vendors

Guatemalan Flags Vendors

As I mentioned yesterday, on September 15th, Guatemala and the other Central American countrieswill be celebrating the 200th anniversary of Independence. Sadly, because of the pandemic, most massive events will not be allowed. So, Guatemalans are mostly observing the Bicentennial with flags, firecracker bombs and on the streets photo exhibitions… TAP to see the full size photo and post.

Guatemalan Flag Street Vendor

During the first two weeks of September, you can find street vendors just like this one selling all kinds of Guatemalan flags. …

Almost Ready for 2012

It looks like the Muni is almost ready to wave goodbye to 2011. The sign for 2012 is already in place and …

Guatemalan Flags

Okay, so we agreed that the official blue color of the Guatemalan flag should brilliant blue or celestial blue code ISCC-NBS 177 …

Guard at Calle del Arco

Even though Guatemala’s Independence is celebrated on September 15th and the days prior to that date, in reality Guatemala’s independence is observe …