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Antique Doors of Antigua Guatemala

Antique Doors of Antigua Guatemala

As I have said before, “every block of Antigua Guatemala provides opportunities to capture stylish doors. I was already hook on doorways …

Portón of La Antigua Guatemala

Here’s your illustrated Spanish word of the day from Antigua Guatemala: Portón or gate, or large door. It’s been a while since …

Laundry Day

We continue our series #RealGuatemala with a photograph of drying clothes in one of the villages of Antigua Guatemala. If you look …

Doorway into the Raw Past

This week I felt through a rabbit hole, a doorway into the raw textured past of Convento Las Capuchinas. Come back tomorrow …

An Open Door Is An Opportunity

That’s right, every open door I encounter is an opportunity to record the inside of what once was a typical house from …

The Gatekeeper

Sometimes the ride from Guate city (la capital) to LAG takes a bit longer than expected and then there is not enough …

Lent Decorations over Doorways

I really like the Lent decorations you find over doorways and windows in La Antigua Guatemala. Lent or Cuaresma in Spanish is …

What Was the Old Man Thinking?

I wonder what was going through the old man’s mind while watching the young tourist with flip flops (thongs) and short shorts. …

Narrow Arched-doorway in Antigua

Sure, La Antigua Guatemala is a nearly-quincentennial city and you may be inclined to believe after some strolls around Antigua that nothing …

JennyStar DVD Rentals in Antigua

JennyStar DVD Rentals is the Netflix of La Antigua Guatemala. JennyStar DVD Rentals is what happens when you think through a good …

Signs: Only in Guatemala

No Food, No Cameras, No Guns, No Backpackers and No Private Guards inside, the sign reads. Only in Guatemala you can find this kind of signs (I think). Guns are a big trouble, you know; people do crazy things with them and not only in Guatemala; naked guns are worn in the belts like cellphones or keychains; even banks and offices have an unusual piece of furniture to deposit customers’ guns at the entrance. Certainly Guatemala is not the only gun-crazy country in the world, nevertheless, it sad to see signs like the one above, captured at Angelina’s Doorway.

My condolences to the families and friends of the students who lost their lives yesterday in Illinois. 🙁

Valentine’s Day in La Antigua Guatemala

Valentine’s Day in Guatemala is known as El Dí­a del Cariño. Cariño and caress share the same etymology and it means affection. The Day of Affection would be a close translation for El Dí­a del Cariño, thus it is much more than Valentine’s Day because it is the day to show your affection, love and appreciation to your co-workers, neighbors, friends, family, and of course, your girlfriend or girlfriend; whatever the case may be.

Stairway to heaven

As soon as you enter the doorway to Hotel Centro Colonial Antigua you are presented with this winding stairway that takes you …

Maid and door in Antigua

We can derive three facts about Antigua from this photo. 1: Maids wear an apron all day long. 2: Many doorways in …