Atrium of the Parish in San Juan del Obispo Village
Did you know there 22 villages within the Antigua Guatemala Municipality? How many have you visited? Contact me if you would like …
Did you know there 22 villages within the Antigua Guatemala Municipality? How many have you visited? Contact me if you would like …
The Antigua Guatemala villages of San Pedro Las Huertas, San Juan del Obispo and San Pedro El Panorama are having the patron-saint …
Some children go to a town fair to play and have fun. Other children go to work. Such is the case on …
Well, I don’t know the answer because I have never been to a town fair in Guatemala that didn’t have table football …
Ferias, or town fairs, would be quite boring if fair rides were not there to light up and make for a fun …
Here’s your Guatemalan Spanish word of the day: “Montaña rusa” or roller coaster, although it literally means Russian Mountain. Even though the …
I noticed this many fair at Alameda El Calvario last week. I say mini fair because there only three mechanical games and …
I don’t know when or how, but now pizza slices are an staple of the Guatemalan town fairs. Of course, like everything …
What’s your favorite food from the Guatemalan town fair? I go nuts for the churros.
On the weekends or on the most important date for the county and town fair you are bound to find live music, …
If you don’t like crowds, stay away from town and county fairs because these get really packed. Even a tiny town fair …
Among all the junk food, chucherías pues, that you find at the town fairs, you can also encounter a fresh fruit booth …
After the parenthesis to promote the first Rally de Fotos in Antigua Guatemala we continue with our series Touring the Guatemalan Town …
Although we began the tour through the typical Guatemalan town fair yesterday, it was not declared until today. By the way, town …
Two kids, one on each side of the fun, are seen in this Día del Niño, Children’s Day in Guatemala. I wish …