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Pueblo Chico, Chisme Grande

La Antigua Guatemala is a small town with big gossip! I remember clearly the first time I heard the saying pueblo chico, …

Street Photography Is Like Hunting

We street photographers are like hunters; often we roam the streets, stalking the city for candid, naturally looking, images. Other times, we …

Cell Phone Pics: The couple

The cellular telephone industry is one of the fastest growing industries and they just broke a new record for Latin America: 10 million 150 thousand users or the equivalent of 75% of the population has now an “active cellphone”. The key word here is: Active. This makes Guatemala one of the most connected countries in Latin America. (Source: Guatemala bate récord de usuarios de telefoní­a móvil at elPeriódico {ES}).

Watching the Watchers Watch

Watching the Watchers Watch is what we call in Spanish a trabalenguas or tongue twister.

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