Slideshow: Holy Week 2012 in Antigua Guatemala

Vistas of Holy Week 2012 in Antigua Guatemala by Leonel -Nelo- Mijangos

The traditions of Guatemala are kept alive by the faith and fervor of the people and that’s exactly what Nelo wanted to show with this slide show. People fully committed to their passion, believes and faith. People participating in all aspects of the Holy Week in Antigua Guatemala, the largest manifestation of its kind in the world.

Nelo shared with me an interesting trivia: the only reason they don’t build bigger processional floats, andas precesionales, is because they can not turn in the narrow streets of La Antigua Guatemala. Of course, as Eric would say, where there’s a will, Guatemalans will find a way… so, stay tune.

In the meantime, enjoy the Semana Santa slide show that Nelo has prepared for us and if you’re looking for additional photos and in-depth information about the world famous Holy Week in Antigua Guatemala, take a tour through the Holy Week and Lent categories.

Come on everyone, let’s give Nelo an up-standing ovation for having shared with us his marvelous and unique perspective on the Holy Week in our beloved Antigua Guatemala.

All photos for this entry by Leonel [Nelo] Mijangos

© 2012 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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