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Antigua Gardens Lush and Serene BY RUDY GIRON

Antigua Gardens: Lush and Serene

The calming nature of a green gardens with the murmur of running fountain make for very peaceful and relaxing atmospheres, don’t you …

Look at the doves, sweetie!

You know, whenever you encounter doves, children by an atrium of a church or park, you know your chances of a photo …

Courtyard at El Jaulón

I feel like doing a series on just courtyards. Imagine, having ten or twelve photos of the most popular courtyards in Antigua …

Flowers in fountains by Rudy Giron -

Flowers in fountains

I don’t know how many times I have shown flowers inside a fountain in AntiguaDailyPhoto, but certainly it’s more than five. I …

Mirror Mirror

I am sure I have shared this beautiful twist to the typical Narcissus story by Oscar Wilde since it’s among my favorite …

Tranquility at Parque Central of Antigua Guatemala by Rudy Girón

Theme Day: Tranquility

It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness. —Thomas Jefferson As most firsts of the month …

Guatemalan Mother's Day by Rudy Girón

Guatemalan Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day always falls on May 10 in Guatemala. Thus, today is a holiday for mothers in Guatemala and many mamás get …

Colonial Style Fountain Detail

It’s nice to see colonial pilas and lavaderos (water tanks + washbasins) being used now as fountains and as decoration. If you …

Central Park Water Fountain

Oftentimes we do things driven by the unconscious mind and that’s why is very difficult to have the coherent answers for them. …

El Calvario Fountain

This fountain is located on the parallel path of Alameda El Calvario. At sunset you can find teenagers and students having atol …

A Fountain’s Top

Like many fountain’s around Antigua Guatemala, there is always something very soothing about them (oh, and the light was just beautiful), but …

Playing With Running Water

Three simple shots of fountains found inside the patios of Casa Santo Domingo. In the picture above I decided to freeze the …

Finca Washbasins and Water Tanks

Don’t ask me, but how did the venerable utilitarian pila (water tank) and lavadero (washbasin) became decorations elements or design accents? In …

Inside Patio and Fountain

Here’s an interesting idea, cover the patio with transparent laminas plus a pergola framework where one can hang the Colas de Quetzal …

Fountain Fragment

Besides signs, I also have a fascination for fountains. I am glad in La Antigua Guatemala there is an abundance of both. …

San Jerónimo Ruins Fountain

I wonder how many fountains there are in La Antigua Guatemala. Everywhere I go, even in fast food restaurants, there is at …

Antigua Colonial Patio

What better way to enjoy a Sunday morning than to bring a freshly brewed cup of the best coffee in the world …

Chepito, Let Me Show You…

I like to photograph old people. I like to photograph young people. I like to photograph people, regardless of their age, really. …

Antigua Oasis

I can remember everything about this Antigua moment except exactly where it is. All the recent discussion about water reminded me of …

What in the World is a Búcaro?

Many times, when foreigners are looking at listings for houses or apartments for rent or sale in La Antigua Guatemala, they come …

Mother’s Safety Zone

Through our mothers’ safety zone we learn to crawl, walk, run, swim and fly! It is only fair that we assign one …

SAT Office in La Antigua Guatemala

Well, you may be wondering what SAT office means. Behind this placid view of this government building hides one of the reason why Guatemala is so poor; a beggar really if we consider that Guatemala begs money for road repairing, road building, new modern national identification card, fertilizers, schools, libraries and the list goes on and on. The picture above is the local office of the Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria, SAT for short and the equivalent of the IRS.

Illuminated Angels at the Park

I figured you would like to see the illuminated angels a little closer, so I took a few more shots. This one has a couple making up (you guys are voyeurs) by the fountain and this next one you could use it as a post card since it is only the two angels slightly out of focus. I hope you enjoy them both

Compañí­a de Jesús Fountain

Compañí­a de Jesus Fountain, originally uploaded by rudygiron. Here is another example of a fountain and a patio. This is the inside …