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mercado, Page 3

Typical market vendor of grains

El mercado of Antigua Guatemala is such a photogenic place. Almost everywhere you point you camera, you have interesting vistas to capture. …

Broccoli Heads

Oh, I don’t think I will ever get tired for the abundant fresh produce available in el mercado of La Antigua Guatemala …

Day Care

Market day in La Antigua Guatemala is much more than just getting your weekly produce or enjoying a photo moment of local …

Preparing the Flowers for the Dead

By moving from one section of the mercado to another, we find that las floristerí­as (flower shops) are preparing the flower arrangements …

Selling Cell Phones in the La Antigua’s Market

The transnational Spanish cell phone company Movistar enters the humble Guatemalan market; following the example set by Domino’s Pizza. So now, you can go to el mercado (market) of La Antigua Guatemala for your vegetables, fruits, spices, flowers, dishes, charcoal and cell phones. These two girls, with Telefónica Movistar t-shirts, were selling the cell phones for Q130/USD$18 with Q100 of airtime and your own cellphone number; not bad all.

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