Antigua Autumn Colors: Vibrant and Exotic Orchids
You can never go wrong with the vibrant and exotic orchids of Guatemala. By the way, in case you didn’t know, Guatemala …
You can never go wrong with the vibrant and exotic orchids of Guatemala. By the way, in case you didn’t know, Guatemala …
The slogan for Guatemala is the “El país de la eterna primavera,” the land of the eternal Spring which is quite appropriate because our weather is always temperate Spring and flowers and plants are always blooming…
Did you know that Guatemalan’s National Flower, the Monja Blanca [white nun] is an orchid? If you like orchids, flowers or gardening, …
Today, I did some photos of orchids as part the coverage of the 1st National Orchid Exhibition in Antigua Guatemala where over …
Don’t miss the orchid exhibition organised by the Asociación Guatemalteca de Orquideología at the Museo de Arte Colonial, 5a calle No. 5, …