Meet the giant Guatemalan winged-leaf-cutter ant: Zompopo
Once again the May zompopo ants have arrived on time this year! Here are some facts and myths about the giant leaf …
Once again the May zompopo ants have arrived on time this year! Here are some facts and myths about the giant leaf …
It seems like ordinary ants do not like the idea of a giant sompopo queen ant moving into the neighborhood. 🙁
Even though the Guatemalan winged sompopo ant appears every year in May, on average most Guatemalans know very little about them (myself …
Enough about pondering the big questions! Sompopos are now here and thus we are now “officially” in the rainy season. Sompopos arrived …
The rainy season in Guatemala begins in May and after the first few rains, Huge ants start to come out of nowhere. …