Sabor cubano sign

Sabor Cubano Restaurant sign

Slowly but surely Cubans are building a community in Antigua. Here you see the sign for Sabor Cubano Restaurant (4a calle oriente #3A), one of the latest Cuban joints to open in Antigua. They have live Cuban music Thursdays thought Saturdays and I can testify that it is very good. You can also listen to Cuban music at Panza Verde with some of musician that belonged to Buena Vista Social Club. There is also QBA, a restaurant right acros from the Bodegona. South of la iglesia La Merced is Cubano, a small bar and Cuban cigar shop own by Vladimir, who also owns QBA. There is also Cuban music at Café No Sé. So there you have it, a short run down of the different places to enjoy the Cuban culture, cuisine and music.

As side note, it is interesting how fast the web moves. You can already see a listing of Sabor Cubano Restaurant on the Antigua section in the Wikitravel site.

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